Criterion 7

Click here to view Best Practice_1 2022-23

Click here to view Best Practice_2 2022-23

Click here to view Institutional Distinctiveness 2022-23

Click here to view Best Practice_1 2021-22

Click here to view Best Practice_2 2021-22

Click here to view Institutional Distinctiveness 2021-22

Click here to view 7.1.1 links updated with new geotagged photo links

Click here to view 7.1.1 Gender Champion Cell Plan of Action 2020-21

Click here to view Institutional Distinctiveness 2020-21

Click here to view Best practice 2020-21

Click here to view Best Practices

Click here to view Institutional Distinctiveness

Click here to view Best Practices 2019-20

Click here to view Institutional Distinctiveness for AQAR 2019-20