Prof. M. S. Kamat

Prof. M.S.Kamat, a Full Bright, Scholar and a distinguished educationist is the President of Murgaon Education Society and also the Chairman of its Managing Committee. He has had quite a long and intimate relationship with the Society and the educational institutions under its umbrella. He was the founder Principal of the MES College, the MES Higher Secondary School and the Director of its Institute of Management Education and Research. He served the College with distinction for 28 long years and raised its standards to remarkable heights, which is evident from the fact that our College was one of the 20 educational institutions of higher learning chosen by the Ford Foundation, U.S.A. for its unique Campus Diversity grants. Prof. Kamat had the distinction of being nominated by the M.H.R.D. Government of India as the member of the National Vocational Council and also of its executive committee. The Government of Goa took his advise on several important issues pertaining to various levels of education. Even after retirement he continued to render his advise to the Government of Goa. He chaired four important high power committees viz – 1) Goa State Committee to study the causes of closure of Government primary vernacular schools and suggest preventive measures is after his retirement in the year 2000. He has made immense contribution to the formulation of the overall State Government Policy in his capacity as the member of Goa State Planning Board. 2) Goa State Committee to study the issue of school dropouts and to recommend possibility of starting state open school. 3) Goa State Committee on the functioning and reorganisation of the institute of safety, occupational health and Environment. 4) Goa State Committee to recommend the mechanism to regulate the establishment of new Colleges in the State of Goa.

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