The Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A.) is a 3 year degree course, affiliated to the Goa University. The objective of BBA course to build competence in students to effectively undertake entry level managerial jobs in organisations and to develop various soft skills required for the profession.

It is three-year full time degree programme. Trimester system is followed, 1st year and 2nd year has four terms each and there are three terms in the 3rd year. There is Summer Internship of six weeks each at the end of 1st and 2nd year. At the end of the 3rd year Summer Internship is of 4 weeks. Each term will be of approximately 3 months duration, inclusive of vacations.

We at the BBA believe that the learning process is more effective if it is student centric. Every aspect of the learning and enhancement of facilities – be it in the lab or the classroom -- takes place with the student in mind. To help the student in his/her learning process the department has a classroom with all the necessary technical facilities be it LCD projector, laptop, or WIFI facility. The seating arrangement is also flexible which can be changed as per the demands of the faculty or for better exchange of ideas between students. The students are provided with the facility of book bank, where a student gets an individual copy of a text book. In addition to this, lots of reference books, journals and magazines are available for the students. The BBA computer lab gives unlimited access to the world of information through internet. Each student can use the lab as and when he/she wishes to during the college hours. The syllabus at the BBA is never stagnant; it is changed and modified to meet the requirements of the industry. The faculty also makes constant efforts to impart and share the necessary information with the students thus making the students ready to be embarking on his/her career in the industry. The development of the student is not just limited to the activities in the campus, infact the student is encouraged to participate in the various competitions, seminars be it in the state or outside the state. Firsthand experience is given to the student with the compulsory internship in industry which exposes the students to the nitty-gritties of the industry..

Programme Specific Outcomes of B.B.A (General)
After completing the programme, a Business Management graduate will be able to:
  • PSO 1: Take day to day decisions.
  • PSO 2: Resolve short term challenges.
  • PSO 3: Effectively make business presentations, communicate with confidence (oral & written) and apply the knowledge of other soft skills (e.g. Etiquettes, Negotiation skills, Time Management, Emotional Intelligence) learned during the programme.
  • PSO 4: Identify opportunities for business growth.
  • PSO 5: Contribute to business growth.
  • PSO 6: Manage organisational resources effectively and efficiently.
  • PSO 7: Students will be able to work effectively in team situations.
  • PSO 8: Exhibit specialized knowledge and competencies in their area of focus (finance, management, marketing, HR etc.).
  • PSO 9: Establish knowledge of the ethical obligations of business and apply them to business decisions.
  • PSO 10: Demonstrate effective analytical and critical-thinking skills in an organizational context. In profit oriented as well as non- profit oriented organisation.

To be eligible for admission to the first year of the Three Years Programme leading to the Degree of Business Administration ( Bachelor of Business Administration) the candidate should have passed the Higher Secondary School Certificate (Std. XII) examination in any stream, including Vocational stream from a recognized board.

The Criteria of selection would be as follows:

  • XII Std. Marks (60% Weightage)
  • Online Interview (40% Weightage)

Admission Procedure
A) For F.Y.B.B.A.
  1. The application form shall be filled online at www.mescollege.org
  2. Gmail ID is mandatory to begin the admission process.
  3. A passport size photo (not exceeding 1 MB) should be uploaded.
  4. The admission form shall be uploaded along with the following documents (each document not exceeding 1 MB):
    1. Scanned copy of original marksheet of HSSC/ Equivalent examination
    2. Original HSSC leaving certificate
    3. Eligibility Certificate (in original) issued by Goa University (for those students who have passed standard XII or any other equivalent examination through any other recognized Board other than Goa Board if applicable)
    4. Scanned copy of original Aadhar card and first page of the bank pass book
    5. Scanned copy of original Caste Certificate
    6. Undertaking by the student
    7. Undertaking by the parent
    8. Undertaking for discipline and attendance
  5. Once the admission form is filled and the relevant documents are uploaded, the student will be taken to the online payment gateway for payment of fees.
  6. The student will receive an email on successful payment of fees confirming his/her admission.
B) For S.Y.B.B.A. and T.Y.B.B.A.
  1. The application form shall be filled online at www.mescollege.org
  2. The PR number is mandatory to begin the admission process.
  3. A passport size photo (not exceeding 1 MB) should be uploaded.
  4. 4)The admission form shall be uploaded along with the following documents(each document not exceeding 1 MB):
    1. Scanned copy of original marksheet of previous semester examination
    2. Scanned copy of original Aadhar card and first page of the bank pass book
    3. Scanned copy of original Caste Certificate
    4. Undertaking by the student
    5. Undertaking by the parent
    6. Undertaking for discipline and attendance
  5. Students should have a Gmail account.
  6. Once the admission form is filled and the relevant documents are uploaded, the student will be taken to the online payment gateway for payment of fees.
  7. The student will receive an email on successful payment of fees confirming his/ her admission.

Note: No Student shall be given admission after the date specified by Goa University. * Subject to change

Students from HSSC Boards other than Goa have to get Provisional Eligibility Certificate from Goa University within 3 months you have to submit MIGRATION Certificate.

Exam Dates : Semester End Assessment (SEA)
Fee structure BBA






First Year

Second Year

Third Year




1st July 2019

28th September 2019

First Year

Second Year

Third Year




30th September 2019

18th January 2020

First Year

Second Year

Third Year




20th January 2020

11th April 2020

Summer Training

First Year

Second Year




20th April 2020

31st May 2020

After completing B.B.A. programme the Student can pursue a Master's degree programme in Management (MBA) and its allied areas. Further Student can also pursue Phd.


Activities BBA Department

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SYBBA Organiser Lakshya 14.0

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