Golden Jubilee Year

The Murgaon Education Society’s M.E.S College of Arts and Commerce, Zuarinagar-Goa marked the celebration of it’s Golden Jubilee year with an inaugural function held today in B.B.A auditorium of the college. The Hon’ble Governor of Himachal Pradesh, Shri. Rajendra Arlekarji was the Chief Guest for this function. The function began with a welcome address and presentation of 50 glorious years of the college by the Principal of the college Prof. Manasvi Kamat. The principal highlighted the role of the founding members and paid golden tribute to them. She also stressed that it was due to the benevolence of the great visionary, the late Shri. Vasantrao Joshi, fondly called as Anna that the foundation of the college was established in the year 1972 and started in the Joshi Building in Vasco and later the foundation for the new campus was laid in 1981. She highlighted the new developments that the college had made since then emphasising sustainable green initiatives and infrastructure developments.

The guests were showered with a floral welcome and the traditional lamp was lit at the hands of the Chief Guest in the presence of other dignitaries like Shri. M.S Kamat, the Founder Principal of the college and the Chairman of Murgaon Education Society, Shri Bhaskar Nayak, the Vice-Chairman of Murgaon Education Society and Smt. Lalita Joshi, the treasurer of Murgaon Education Society. This was followed by the release of the Golden Jubilee logo, letter heads and envelopes to be used to mark the occasion. Dr. Champa R. Parab, the Chairperson of the Golden Jubilee celebrations presented to the audience the series of planned activities for the year which included activities in academic, research, community extension programmes, Palak Sanman or felicitating the parents of meritorious students, soft skills training, activities with the Alumni, M.E.S fete, Video and documentary making competitions covering the Golden Jubilee celebrations for the students, release of a M.E.S souvenir etc. Dr. Freda Cota e Pereira, the secretary of the College staff Club introduced the distinguished Chief Guest of the college to the audience. The Chief Guest and his wife were felicitated by founder principal of the college Shri. M.S Kamat and the principal of the college Prof. Manasvi Kamat respectively. The Chief Guest Shri. Rajendra Arlekarji college felicitated the family members of the founder members and the first Managing Committee of the college.

On this occasion, the founder principal of the college Shri. M.S Kamat in his address expressed great satisfaction that the Chief guest for the function Shri. Arlekarji an alumnus of the college had reached great heights being appointed as the Governor of Himachal Pradesh and referred to him as a statesman rather than a politician and described his journey from the Joshi building to the Governor’s position as unique. Shri Bhaskar Nayak, the Vice-Chairman of Murgaon Education Society spoke of great leaders produced by M.E.S College such as Shri Rajendra Arlekar, Shri. Mauvin Godinho, Shri. Salkar to name a few. He also highlighted that that Shri M.S. Kamat was the longest reining principal with a glorious service of 28 years rendered to the institution bringing the college to greatest heights. He also stressed on inviting alumni who have excelled in various fields as role models for the current students.

The Chief Guest, Shri Rajendra Arlekarji in his address shared his experience as a student of the college and expressed his vision to see that this educational institution prepares the student to be ‘job givers’ and not just ‘job seekers’. He also stressed that the college needed to ensure that the students not only get a degree but are instilled with values, ethics, and ethos. He also added that the system of education should be based what society needs and recommended a seminar on the New Education Policy which is a document to decolonise education. The function ended with a vote of thanks proposed by the Vice Principal of the college, Shri. Ashish Joshi. The program was compered by Dr. Susan Deborah.

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