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Certificate Course in “DIGITAL COMMUNICATION’

Department of Sociology, M.E.S. College of Arts and Commerce, introduced a Short-Term Certificate Course in “Digital Communication” for 30 hours duration during this academic year. The course was coordinated by Asst. Prof. Heena Shabali. The course began with an inaugural function held on 9rd January 2023 at 1:00 pm in the M.S Kamat Seminar Hall by lighting of the lamp. Dr. Manasvi M. Kamat Principal, Assistant Professor Jessy Coutinho, Asst Prof, Gulshan Mullah was present for the inaugural function along with all the participants. At the inaugural function,Asst. Prof. Heena Shabali the Course Coordinator, gave an overview of the course and importance of the course to the students. Dr. Manasvi M. Kamat, the Principal, presented her introductory remarks on the occasion and gave insights into the course outcomes.

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