Code of Conduct

  • The College expects the students to conduct themselves with dignity, decency and decorum inside and outside its premises. They will not engage in any such act which will bring disrepute to the college.

  • Attendance at lectures, practicals, tests and examinations is compulsory. Absence at a single lecture, will be considered absence for the whole day. Minimum attendance of 75% per semester is compulsory.

  • Students have to strictly abide by all rules and regulations framed from time to time by the Principal or by the persons authorised by him/her. Disobedience, misconduct, misbehaviour and violation of the rules and regulations will entail punishment including expulsion from the college.

  • In every matter relating to the college, the decision of the Principal shall be final and binding upon every student.

  • The college is an academic body and hence the society at large expects it to conform to high standards of discipline, integrity, academic excellence and intellectual honesty. Every student should live up to this expectation, without forgetting that rights also imply duties.

  • A Fine of Rs. 50/- shall be collected from the students as punishment for not wearing Identity Cards within the campus.

  • Students are expected to be seated in their respective classrooms at the stroke of the first bell and wait for the teacher. During lecture hours students are not permitted to loiter around the corridors. If a teacher is on leave, alternate arrangements will be made to engage the class.

  • Loss of an identity Card must be reported to the College Office Immediately. A duplicate card will be issued on payment of the prescribed fee.

  • Students shall adhere to the code of conduct in a manner worthy of the college. Indecent dressing such as plunging necklines, low waist jeans, torn jeans, short T-shirts/shirts, miniskirts, slits, sleeveless displaying armpits, displaying of navel or underwear is prohibited and shall invite punishment in addition to fine.

  • Due care of the college property has to be taken by the student/s. Damage to college property, disfiguring the walls, portraits, doors, windows, breaking the furniture, scribbling on the furniture, writing objectionable things & / or trying to cause any harm to the person & / or property of the college & / or students will amount to serious breach of discipline & misconduct & is punishable individually or collectively.In addition to the punishment they will have to pay for the damage.Littering in the campus is strictly prohibited.

  • Students are restrained from communicating any information or writing or help in writing anything about the college to the press and social media that would damage the repute & affect the status of the college & prove harmful in any way.

  • Deliberate failure to perform the required number of experiments and maintaining a practical journal/file/assignment/project reports unjustified absence from exams, etc can seriously prejudice the student’s record.

  • Students are forbidden to organize or attend any meeting within the college of collect money for any purpose or to circulate among the students any notice or petition of any kind or paste it on the college notice board/walls without prior written permission of the principal.

  • Smoking, chewing pan, chewing gum, consumption of any narcotic, alcoholic substance etc in the classrooms and on the campus is strictly prohibited.

  • In case of illness, a student must apply for leave and produce a medical certificate from a registered medical practitioner within seven days of resuming / attending the classes.

  • Students must read the College Notice Board regularly.

  • Students must not attend classes other than their own without the permission of the Principal.

  • The students must in no way disturb the orderly functioning of the college and the classes.

  • No students is allowed to collect contributions in money or kind without obtaining a prior permission from the Principal

  • No visitors/outsiders are allowed to meet the students in the college without the permission of the Principal.

  • The college reserves the right to withhold the final examination results of those students who fail to clear their dues (sports, breakage, damages, etc) and return library books and other college, items within the notified time.

  • Insubordination to any teacher or to any college authorities, use of indecent language, misbehavior or misconduct is liable for disciplinary action as per the rules.

  • No student will accompany with him/her any unauthorized person in the college premises &/or canteen or allow him/her to use any college premises & / or property.

  • Parents/Guardians are advised to contact the college authorities from time to time in order to appraise themselves of the progress of their wards and their attendance.

  • Use of Unfair Means/Mobiles during examination (ISA/SEE) is strictly prohibited. A student, if found guilty, shall be liable for punishment as per the rules prescribed by Goa University.

  • Mobiles phones are strictly prohibited on the campus and inside the classroom. If a student is found in possession of a mobile phone in the classrooms during lecture hours/lab sessions the same will be confiscated and returned at the end of the academic year on payment of Rs. 500/- as fine.

  • Maintenance of college discipline, adherence to its rules and code of conduct and obedience to the instruction issued from time to time by Principal or other college authorities will be mandatory and binding on each student & violation there to will render the concerned students to appropriate disciplinary action including suspension, expulsion from the college & rustication in accordance with the relevant rules as per the directives of the Goa University and the Guidelines formulated by the College Discipline Committee.

  • No student should interfere with the LCD or any electronic gadgets fitted into the classrooms without the permission and the presence of the teachers concerned or any college authority.

  • Due to paucity of parking space, students are requested to travel by car pool if you are using your own vehicles. The college does not guarantee parking space for four/two wheelers of students and would not be responsible for any damage caused to vehicles.

  • Security personnel or any staff appointed by the Principal will have full authority to check and verify the identity cards of every student and have right to interrogate any student, in view of security concerns of the college.

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