We are excited to invite your students to a one-day State Level Workshop on Latex at M.E.S. Vasant Joshi College of Arts and Commerce scheduled for 16thFebruary 2024 from 9:30am to 4:00pm.

To ensure a comprehensive learning experience, we would like to extend an invitation to you to encourage your students’ participation in this enriching workshop. The workshop aims to provide valuable insights and foster academic growth.

Furthermore, we request you to confirm students’ participation (only two students) by filling out the Google Form (https://forms.gle/SP7SxS8p8Tfs4qgZ8) through the concerned teacher in charge on or before 13th February 2024.

Please inform your students that they are required to bring their laptops for the workshop. On-site registration will be available, and a registration fee of ₹250 per student is applicable, payable in cash only.

We look forward to welcoming your students to this educational event. For any queries or additional information, please contact

Mrs.Sandiya Stefi Dourado

Event Coordinator

Department of Information Technology

Mobile: 7972943698

Ms. Sindhuja Desai


Department of mathematics & Statistics

Mobile: 9146443610

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