Kasturi ….Lecture Series at MES

We need to build our own world in which we live. Before being someone we need to be ourselves. The youth of today have to make a conscious shift from I, Me and Myself to we and ourselves. This would mean giving up selfishness, greed and be more open. In the environmental context, if we have to preserve mother earth for future generations, we have to make efforts to preserve it because our forefathers have preserved it for us. None other than youth can do this.”

Dr. Narayan Desai a noted educationist and environmentalist was speaking to the youth and community members on the occasion of inaugural programme of “ Kasturi” a unique initiative by Foundation For Environment Research and Conservation ( FERC) started at MES College of Arts and Commerce, Zuarinagar-Goa, in collaboration with the Nature Club of the college. The foundation has started this programme in memory of late Dr. Kasturi Desai who herself was an environmentalist and researcher.

Mr. Narayan Desai further said that the “ Youth could  achieve the objective of protecting the world in a small way by participating in the democratic process at the village level where village committees have been given huge power by the 73rd amendment to the constitution of India”.


Kasturi Talk series .

Click to view Lecture series  1
Click to view Lecture series 2
Click to view Lecture series 3
Click to view Lecture series 4
Click to view Lecture series 5
Click to view Lecture series 7

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