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The National Librarian’s Day was celebrated at MES College of Arts and Commerce Zuarinagar Goa on Friday 12th August 2022 at 11.00 a.m. in MES Library in remembrance of Dr Shiyali Ramamrita Ranganathan, the father of Library Science in India. The programme started with the garlanding of photo of Dr S R Ranganathan and lighting of Lamp at the hands of dignitaries present on the occasion, Principal Dr Manasvi M Kamat, Dr Champa R Parab, Chairperson for Library Advisory Committee, Librarian Mr Sudhir Halvegar, Library advisory Committee members Mr. Ashok Sambargi, Dr Meenakshi Bawa and Ms Gouri Manerikar and student member Ms Muskan Shaikh and former Principal Dr R.B Patil.
Dr Manasvi M Kamat welcomed the august gathering and highlighted the significance of celebration of Librarians day. Ms Renuka Singh, student from B.Com Semester V spoke on the importance of Library, role of Librarian and life of Dr Ranganathan. On this auspicious day to mark glorious 75 years of Azadi ka Amrit Mohatav, Book Exhibition on theme “India’s Freedom Struggle” has been arranged in Library and was inaugurated a the hands of the Principal. The exhibition will remain open till 15th August 2022.

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