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M.E.S. College of Arts & Commerce, Zuarinagar Goa in collaboration with ASM’S IBMR Pune organised a Student Exchange Programme for B. Com. semester IV students recently in the M.S. Kamat Seminar hall of the college on the theme “AWARENESS DRIVE FOR NEW AGE CAREERS”. 36 students and four faculty members from ASM’S IBMR Pune attended the programme.
115 students from B.COM Semester IV, VI and M.Com. and Coopted members from B.COM Semester VI of MES College attended the programme.
Dr. Champa R.Parab, welcomed the audience and gave a brief idea of the programme, its significance. The floor was handed over to the students and faculty of ASM’S IBMR Pune. Shri. Deepak Bajaj- Soft Skills Trainer started the event with a Team Building Activity. The objective of the activity was to encourage effective communication. Shri Bajaj, explained in lucid terms the meaning of communication and effective communication. He spoke on the need of having a productive communication for the success of any event. He explained the difference between listening and hearing. Students must be good listeners, to begin with, in order to be effective communicators.
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