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The Gender Champion Cell of MES College in, organized a Panel Discussion on the topic “Are Gender Roles Really Changing in Contemporary Times?” for students of MES College on Friday 23rd September 2022 in the M. S. Kamat Seminar Hall.
The panelists were Dr. Sonal Thakker – Head, Department of Sociology, Dr. Veeraj Mahatme – Assistant Professor, Department of Business Administration, Ms. Chetna Chaudhary and Mr. Bilal Yakub, both, students of TYBCOM. The Moderator for the Discussion was Dr. S. Susan Deborah, Teacher In-charge, Department of English.
After a brief background and context to the topic, the Moderator requested the panelists to individually share their views, followed by a Q&A session by the Moderator and the audience.

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